Berio, Marina

Marina Berio es una artista visual Neoyorquina que trabaja con dibujos y fotografía para transmitir aspectos de experiencia visual que son íntimos y viscerales a la vez. Ha realizado imágenes familiares impresas con su propia sangre y usando negativos fotográficos de espacios, objetos y paisajes tales como dibujos de carbonilla imbuidos de una materialidad sutil y profunda. En su proyecto más reciente, fotografió las paredes de su estudio para expresar la interrelación de realidades anidadas en el espacio mental, el proceso creativo, las topografías internas del cuerpo y el área de su taller en sí.

Berio estudió fotografía, dibujo, escultura e historia del arte y realizó una maestría en fotografía en la escuela Bard de Nueva York. Recibió la prestigiosa beca de la fundación John Simon Guggenheim, además de otros premios por la Fundación Pollock/Krasner, la fundación de las artes de Nueva York y la fundación Aaron Siskind. Ha sido invitada a participar en varias residencias de arte entre ellas la MacDowell Colony, Yaddo, Millay y Schloss Plüschow. Sus últimas exposiciones han sido en Baxter Street / CCNY en Nueva York, Galerie Miranda en París, Francia; OFF Triennale en Hamburgo; y Shiro Oni Studio en Japón. Ha exhibido también en la galería Michael Steinberg Fine Arts, Von Lintel Gallery, Smack Mellon y Artists Space en Nueva York; Judy Ann Goldman Fine Art en Boston EE.UU; Les Rencontres d’Arles, Galerie Camera Obscura en París; Otto Zoo y Acta International en Italia.

Berio enseña en la escuela “International Center of Photography” de Nueva York y ha sido invitada como expositora y crítica de arte en centros educativos de pre y pos grado a lo largo de los EE.UU. 

2022: “Summer Selection”, Galerie Miranda, Paris
2021: “What’s Your Name when You’re at Home”, Penumbra Foundation, New York 2019: Shiro Oni Studio, Onishi, Japan
“Landscape, Memory,” Galerie Miranda, Paris
“Bodies of Work,” Baxter Street, New York
“Storied Forms,” Halide Project, Philadephia
2018: “Family Matter” Galerie Miranda, Paris (solo)
Hamburg Off Triennale Åme Nue, Hamburg (solo)
“New Poetics of Labor” Grafiformas, Medellín, Colombia
2017: 9th Kassel Fotobook Festival, touring to Moscow, Istanbul, Dublin, and Lodz “Women and Photography,” Chiesa di San Francesco, Udine
2015: “I am a Lie and I am Gold,” Yossi Milo Gallery
2013: “Dear Dave, Magazine Presents,” Photoville, Brooklyn
2012: “Celestial,” Camera Club, New York (curated by Mark Alice Durant)
“L’Art de Voir les Choses,” Galerie Camera Obscura, Paris
2011: “Pictures Are Words Not Known,” LiShui Museum of Photography, LiShui, China “Portraits,” La Conciergerie Art Contemporain, La Motte-Servolex, France
2010: Otto Zoo, Milano, Italy (with Lidia Sanvito)
“Somewhere Over the Rainbow,” FRAC Aquitaine, Bordeaux, France
“Industry City Salon,” Marian Spore, Industry City, Brooklyn, curated by Michael Connor “Burning Desire,” Michael Mazzeo Gallery, New York
2009: Martos Gallery, New York
“Outside In,” La Viola Bank Gallery, curated by Mary Dailey Pattee, New York
“Ça me touche,” curated by Nan Goldin, Les Rencontres d’Arles, Arles, France (catalogue) “Collection,” curated by Nan Goldin, Les Rencontres d’Arles, Arles, France (catalogue) “Now You See It, Now You Don’t,” curated by Bernie Yenelouis, Camera Club, New York 2008: “Burn Breathe,” Michael Steinberg Fine Art, New York (solo)
“Americana,” Chiesa di San Lorenzo, San Vito al Tagliamento, Italy (cat.)
“Love Love Love,” Martos Gallery, New York
“Back to the Drawing Board,” Michael Steinberg Fine Art, New York
2007: “Airs de Paris,” Centre Pompidou (as part of Nan Goldin installation)

2006: “Darkness Visible,” Judy Ann Goldman Fine Art, Boston (with John Guthrie)
“In Focus: 75 Years of Collecting American Photography,” Addison Gallery of American Art, Andover, Massaschusetts

“The Love Show,” Hans Weiss Newspace Gallery, Manchester, Conn. 2005: “The Photograph in Question,” Von Lintel Gallery, New York “Fifteen Paces,” Smack Mellon Gallery, New York
MFA Thesis exhibition, Bard College, Red Hook

2004: “Untold Stories,” Judy Ann Goldman Fine Art, Boston (with Whiting Tennis)
Les Rencontres d’Arles, Arles, France (catalogue)
“Untold Stories,” Italian Institute for Advanced Studies at Columbia University, New York (solo) 2003: “Storie non dette,” Acta International, Rome, Italy (solo, catalogue)
“Travelling,” Centre Photographique d’Ile-de-France, Pontault-Combault, France
2001: “Collections d’Artistes,” Collection Lambert, Avignon, France (catalogue)
“Rethinking the Landscape,” Photographic Resource Center, Boston (curated by David Arm- strong)
2000: “Natural Wonder,” Kagan Martos Gallery, New York
1999: “ “Shy,” Artists Space, New York (curated by Nan Goldin; pamphlet)
“Summer Reading,” Yancey Richardson Gallery, New York
1997: “Where the Stream and River Meet,” Mary Barone, New York (with Jaime Permuth) “Giovani & Sconosciuti: Aspetti della Nuova Fotografia Italiana,” CRAF, Spilimbergo, Italy (cata- logue)
1996: “25th Anniversary: 25 Younger Artists,” John Weber Gallery, New York
“Myth, Memory, Madness,” Judy Ann Goldman Fine Art, Boston

Premios, becas y residencias

John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, Fellowship, 2017-18
Kassel Fotobook Dummy Award, Shortlisted, 2017
The MacDowell Colony, Peterborough, NH, Residency, Dec. 2014 - Jan. 2015
New York Foundation for the Arts, Artists’ Fellowship, Drawing, 2009
Yaddo, Residency, April 2008
Pollock/Krasner Foundation, Grant, 2008
The Julia and David White Artists’ Colony, Ciudad Colon, Costa Rica, Residency, 2007 Aide au Projet Prize Finalist, Les Rencontres d’Arles, 2004
Schloss Plüschow, Germany, Residency, September 2001

Manhattan Graphics Center, New York, Scholarship, Spring 2000
Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, Sweet Briar, Virginia, Residency, November - December 1999
The Millay Colony for the Arts, Austerlitz, New York, Residency, October 1999
The MacDowell Colony, Peterborough, NH, Residency, Nov. 1998 - Jan. 1999
The Aaron Siskind Foundation, New York, Fellowship Grant, 1998


Berio, Marina. Untold Stories, 2003. Text by Brigitte Ollier.
Berio, Marina. Drawing Paper, No. 3, May 2011, ills.
Berio, Marina. Burn Breathe, 2018.
Durant, Mark Alice. “55 Angels & the Modest Sublime,” Dear Dave, No. 11, 2012, ills. Durant, Mark Alice. “So Close to Dust.” Unpublished text written on occasion of Otto Zoo show, 2010.

Jigarjian, Michi and Mestrich, Qiana, Eds. How We Do Both: Art and Motherhood. New York: Secretary Press, 2012.
Sales, Liz. “Ourobouros.” Conveyor, September 2014, pp. 52-57, ills.
Seikaly, Roula. “The 2017 Guggenheim Photography Fellows: Continuing a Tradition of Great- ness,” Humble Arts Foundation blog, May 9, 2017.


Milton Avery Graduate School of the Fine Arts, Bard College, MFA in Photography Oberlin College, BA in Art History and Studio Art with minor in French Literature