Notas Artistas


That night I kept passing from one dream on to the next, and then on to the next, and yet to another, and another... till I dwelled in a dreadful nightmare. 

I sat in a closed empty room when I saw door open silently; I came out and bumped into yet another door, I opened it, closed it back again; with every previous door behind my back, I kept going from every room on to the next, and then on to the next, till I came into a white room through a door that vanished. The walls in this room were white yet there was nothing there to make them visible-no light or lamps-their whiteness was barely visible only for an instant; soon the shadows returned. Silence came over atrocious silence. I lay down on the floor, tried to sink in it and unwind... but all of a sudden I started to fall, a plunging fall with no escape.  I have been falling ever since ...and always will be.